
Thursday, 26 May 2016

information Report of tigers

Information Report on Tigers
Image result for Pictures on tigers

Title:  Tigers
Opening Statement: The tigers are the largest of the four big cats, and one that is very fascinating to people around the world

Appearance (Looks)
Tigers have orange colour eyes. They have orange and black colour fur. They have long tails and orange nose.
Diet (Food)
Tigers are carnivores meaning they can eat meat, flesh and fats off of animals that they catch. They will eat everything that they can catch.

Habitat (Live)
Tigers lives in rainforest, grasslands and even mangroves swamps.

Interesting Facts
The tigers are capable of killing animals over twice its size. Tigers live alone and they can keep the rivals away for up to 100 square km. Tigers are good swimmers and often cool off in lakes.

Tigers are dangerous animals and they can be very harmful to people. They look cute but they are killers.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Miki,
    Thanks a lot for your cool information report.
    Well done
