LI: To use a range or vocabulary to create a picture in the readers head
The easy one was to do was a noun and the adjective
The hard one was to do Adverb and a verb
I am a Year 8 student at Panmure Bridge School in Auckland, NZ. I am in Learning Space 2 and my teachers are Ms Kirkpatrick and Mrs Anderson.
Name of product
Cad bury |
Who do you think the intended buyer is? Kids with money
What kind of advert is it?
TV Radio Magazine Poster
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How do they try to persuade you to buy it?
With pictures
With words
With music
With questions
With jokes
With catchphrases
With jingles
Other: _____brum's____________
Do you think it is a good advert?
Yes No
Because it is a cool
And it so yum chocolate
Would you buy the product? Yes No
Why? Because it is a better than others chocolate
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Do you think the advert is honest? Yes No
Why? Yes because you can buy it and it is so yummy
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What words do they use to sell the product?
It is $0.00001 a yummy chocolate